Summer Work 2014-15

AP Biology is over-enrolled this year at Pingry.  Because we do not have enough teachers to cover 3 sections, all Juniors have been wait-listed.  If you are a Senior who is not fully committed to the class, consider dropping to make space for a dedicated Junior.  The class will move rapidly.  I will expect you to come to class in September with the following assignments completed.

Before you begin any work, complete the preinstruction test.

I will email your results to you.  Once you have your results, complete the preinstruction test analysis form.

Complete the following assignments


Chemistry of Biology - Using Avogadro to Investigate Organic Chemicals

Essay:  Chemistry of Large Biological Molecules

Atomsmith tutorial

  If you can get Atomsmith to install on your computer, do this tutorial.

  Most people will have difficulty getting this to install.  If this is your situation, view this video to answer the questions in the tutorial.

Experimental Design Tutorial [Coming Soon]

Expect to have a test on this information shortly after the fall semester begins (within the first two weeks).  

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